What is Erectile Dysfunction Medicine

Erectile Dysfunction

Florida Vitality physicians have seen and treated thousands of patients who suffer from this common disorder. We have patients who have tried various ways to treat the problem with varying levels of success. Some men use pills, or creams, while others have even gone so far as injecting themselves with prescription medications.

Most guys are looking for a quick fix, they hate having to deal with the issue at all, and sometimes that quick fix approach works.  But many times it doesn’t solve the entire problem. Many men ignore the root of the issues by only treating the symptom and not the cause.

Over a period of decades, treating thousands of men, as well as studying clinical research, we have found that there is a fairly common denominator. Most men with erectile dysfunction also are found to have significantly low testosterone levels. At the same time, they possess a high count of the female hormone, estrogen. With our approach to testosterone replacement therapy, our goal is to optimize free and total testosterone. In addition to providing peak testosterone levels, we focus on maintaining a healthy level of estrogen. Too much or too little estrogen can trigger a similar response and become a protagonist in sexual dysfunction. The results of the hormone therapy have been outstanding for most of our patients.

Treating ED: The 1-2 Punch

The two most common ways that we help our male patients with ED are:

  1. Get the drive back – many of our patients report feeling that their sex drive is the lowest they can ever remember as an adult.  Our first job is to make sure that the drive and desire is present and many times this is a bi-product of having low testosterone.
  2. Get the power back – if desire is not an issue, or no longer an issue, we can then treat the issue of performance in the bedroom.  For many patients just a simple pill is able to help them get back in the game playing at the level that makes them, and their partner, happy.  We love to help our patients get where they want to be health wise and ED is an impactful issue that many times can be dealt with quite effectively.
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