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The Testosterone Quiz for Men
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of 10
How energized do you feel on a regular basis?
I am always tired, even after waking
I am tired most of the time
I typically get tired later in the day
I can make it through half of the day
I often experience fatigue at least once a day
I feel tired at least a few times a week
I get fatigued once or twice a week
I get tired occasionally after a hard day
I am energized most of the time
I am always energized
How is your sexual performance?
I have complete erectile failure and dysfunction
I am having difficulty maintaining an erection
I barely have any desire at all for sex
I have very little desire these days
Sex – I kind of forgot what that is
I try to get in the mood once or twice a month
Once a week is enough for me
I have sex a few times a week
I enjoy sex numerous times a week
My sex life is as great as it has always been
Choose the response below that best fits how driven, focused, and productive you are.
No drive, focus, or desire to do anything
Very little drive or desire to get work done
Reduced drive and focus, poor performance on the job
Barely meets deadlines, not focused on goals or tasks
Below average work results, decreased drive
Happy to just complete tasks, doesn’t look for extra work
Tries to get things done, sometimes misses deadlines
Usually well-focused, driven, and meets most deadlines
Typically focused, motivated, and gets results
Very focused, driven, motivated, over-achiever
How does your muscle tone appear now compared to six months or one year ago?
I have lost all muscle tone and strength
My muscle tone and strength are seriously failing
I have stopped exercising due to decreased strength and endurance
I am finding it hard to exercise due to muscle loss and decreased strength
I no longer have a toned bodily image
My muscle size is shrinking no matter how hard I exercise
I am finding it hard to maintain toned muscles with my workouts
My muscles are toned, but not where they were in the past
My muscles are well-developed with very little body fat
My body is firm, chiseled, and well-toned
Think about your level of concentration, memory, performance of cognitive functions, and then find the response below that best fits that image.
I am extremely forgetful and cannot do simple math calculations in my head anymore
I may joke about it, but my lack of memory is scaring me
Lack of focus and memory are starting to interfere with my life
It is getting harder to focus or recall things that I should know
I forget something at least once a day and find it hard to learn new tasks
I forget things on a regular basis and lose focus often
My memory, focus, and mental skills are not as sharp as in the past
I sometimes forget why I entered a room or where I placed something
I rarely lose focus or forget anything
My mind is as sharp as it ever was
Where is your weight at today? Choose the number below that corresponds to where you currently are on the scale.
I am more than one hundred pounds overweight
I have more than 75 pounds to lose
I am more than sixty pounds overweight
I have been diagnosed with obesity
I need to drop fifty pounds
I have thirty to forty pound to lose
I am twenty pounds overweight
I need to lose ten pounds
I could use to lose five pounds
I am at my ideal weight
Are you still the same happy-go-lucky person you were in years past, or do you find yourself fighting off feelings of depression or mood swings?
Clinical diagnosis of depression
Overall feelings of depression, anxiety, sense of hopelessness
Increased mood changes, anxiety, aggression
Frequent outbursts, mood swings, increased stress
Unhappy with life, concerned about the future, moody
Frequent feelings of stress, anxiety, mood changes
Mixed feelings for the future, some mood swings
Occasional concerns for the future, usually happy
Fairly positive outlook, calm, happy mood
Positive outlook on life, happy mood, excited
Are you getting enough sleep at night and feeling refreshed and invigorated in the morning?
I get only a few hours of sleep each night
I am always waking up tired from lack of sleep
I have a hard time falling asleep and awake frequently during the night
I have insomnia that makes it hard to fall asleep most nights
I sometimes need a sleeping pill to help me fall asleep
I am fine with five hours of sleep each night
I average six hours of sleep each night and still awake fairly refreshed
I try to get eight hours of sleep each night, but I miss a few nights
I typically get eight hours, but not always
I wake up refreshed after eight solid hours of sleep each night
Do you still have a thick, full head of hair? Has the color turned gray?
Extreme baldness and hair loss from body
Patches of thinning hair very noticeable, increased balding
Increased hair thinning on body and head
More hair is noticed in brush or comb
Thinning hair is starting to cause emotional distress
Increased thinning of hair is apparent
Reduced growth of hair on body and head
Hair on head is losing its shine and thickness
Possible hair thinning and a slight increase of hairs in brush or drain
Thick, full head of hair
Have you been diagnosed with high cholesterol?
Extremely high cholesterol that is not responding to medication
Extremely high cholesterol that is responding to medication
Prescribing of medication to lower cholesterol levels
Extremely high cholesterol that is not responding to dietary changes
Possible need for medicine for high LDL levels
Warning from doctor to change dietary and exercise habits
Borderline high LDL levels
Slightly elevated LDL levels
Barely elevated LDL levels
Perfect cholesterol levels